Showing posts with label The Attraction Of Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Attraction Of Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Why we attract towards Art?

Why are we drawn to art? 

Why does it make us feel a certain way? Art tells a story that can be interpreted in many different ways by different people.  Everyone has a different point of view of the world, and that is why art can create an experience in one image.

First, art is the barometer that measures levels of cultural sophistication. Throughout human existence, we have learned about cultural accomplishments from the cultural artifacts left behind. Many of these artifacts have left behind permanent marks on the planet.

 Consider the construction of Stonehenge, the Greek Parthenon, the Roman Colosseum, the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, gothic cathedrals,  Meso-American pyramids, the Taj Mahal and even, the Statue of Liberty. Each of these iconic structures also is a piece of art that communicates important messages about the time, place and context in which the structure was created.

In addition to providing commentary about the larger culture, art makes life more manageable, tolerable and enjoyable. One may not think about more utilitarian items and places as “art,” but they do contribute to one’s aesthetic experience. 

Think about the iPhone, the Fort Worth Water Gardens, Call of Duty: Black Ops, floor rugs, royal processions, Gucci’s Spring line, Versace furniture, Ducati motorcycles, Land Rovers, Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, Calvin Klein, Calatrava bridges, sunglasses, military uniforms, Star Wars, Rolling Stone Magazine covers and the Transformers. 

Now, remove any element founded in creativity, art and design, and all that remains are piles of materials that require human imagination and visual thinking. Art forces humans to look beyond that which is necessary to survive and leads people to create for the sake of expression and meaning.

Art makes you think about life

In one photo, painting, drawing, or sculpture, you can paint an image of your own life.  The beauty of a piece of art makes you reflect your life at that point in time. The setting of the scene is important as well because it can transport you to that place and create a story. A piece of art can be very emotional. It can make you feel sadness, happiness, anger, empathy, desire, and connection.

It’s a universal language interpreted individually

The artist may have created the art for one purpose, but the viewer may also interpret it differently.  There are no words to describe the story behind it.  If the art lasts long, the artist may reveal the reasons, but usually it’s up to the viewer. For example, a simple painting of a dog could mean so many things for the viewer, especially for someone who’s pet recently passed away.

Caricature Art gives you a laugh

Caricature art is unique in that it is done quickly.  It’s a cartoon-like portrait of a person, which can be very amusing and funny.  People are drawn to this because the piece portrays and exaggerated expression of the subject.  They are fun and unique, and they capture people’s emotions in a different light.

History of Indian art

  Rome was not built in a day, and nor did the paintings we see today. Everything has a whole lot of evolution behind it and so do Indian pa...